CONNECT - LYBS Community

Treat people as if they were what they ought to be,

and you help them to become what they are capable of becoming.



At LYBS we value our alumni. Your relationship with us continues long after leaving school so make sure you keep checking back for the latest news, events and opportunities to stay connected with LYBS and one another.

To stay connected, contact us at


Parents Association

Behind every child that believes in him or herself, is a parent who believed in them first. Our community, our parents are integral to students' sense of belonging at LYBS, supporting and participating in various school programmes. Our active Parents Associations (PTA) is engaged in activities ranging from organizing new parent receptions to charity fundraising. The role of the parents associations support the work of the teachers and the school administration. Their aim is to work closely together in building a strong school community where all children benefit. This network of parents is ready and willing to answer questions and offer support to new and returning families.
